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Sassy Lassys have more moxie. They're razor-sharp, witty, and love holding a good Mike - ahem, mic - in their hands.

It's even more fun when you don't know the answers! Know the capital of Azerbaijan? Neither do we! Give us a wit, grit, or lip and we may award you "Sassy Points."

Pen & paper is so last century. Our exclusive trivia software makes scoring paperless, super-fast and always accurate. And players can stay in their damn seats and keep drinking.

Sassy Lassy Trivia makes you more attractive! And also, you could win prizes, if you're into that.

Players say...

"3rd round was way hard! (That's what she said)"
No Priora at Brits Pub

"Thanks for a great time, Kelly!!!"
Jeff at Crooked Pint Ale House in Minneapolis

"Mandi was amazing and SUPER funny."
Laura at Crooked Pint Ale House in Minneapolis

Featured Pub

McKracken's Pub

Featured Lassy

Megan McD.

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